Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Throughout our country’s history, the media has had an influential role in most historic events. The media has always been there to give their opinion, and suggest what they feel the public should know. While media coverage is necessary for us to understand the events taking place in the world, media can also have a […]

Super Bowl commercials are known to be the best, most exciting, and most expensive commercials. Ridiculous amounts of money are often spent on producing commercials played during the Super Bowl. The price of a single slot for a commercial to be played only once is outrageous. So, why do companies spend millions on advertising during […]



Bored at a doctor’s appointment I attended today, I began to look around at the posters in the room. As much of the focus of this course has included race and gender, these posters really stood out to me. The room had two of the same poster. One in Spanish, one in English. Both had […]

Since the early to mid 1900’s, society has come a long way. Perceptions of stereotypes have become more accepted than they have been previously. Ideas about race and gender roles have changed. Women are more accepted in the work force, and there is now less discrimination towards different races. But has this really changed or […]

Focus on Haiti?


A few weeks later, the earthquake in Haiti is no longer the head news story in the media. We have seen this often throughout the history of the media. It seems that there is always a new news story taking over the limelight. It is still so important that the news focuses on this event. […]

While some could argue that social networking is unnecessary, a waste of time, or an invasion of privacy, it has lead to social advancements. Websites like facebook and twitter, had made it easier to keep in touch with people, as well as has allowed information to be received more quickly. These sites have really changed […]

Recently reality television star Heidi Montag underwent an extremely dangerous amount of plastic surgery. At just age twenty-three she has had a total of ten plastic surgery procedures. Wether or not this was a healthy decision to make is pretty clear, but this decision also portrays negative acceptance of one’s self to her fans. While […]

All For Show?


We have often heard about the things celebrities will do for the attention. At last nights Golden Globe Awards, Jennifer Aniston and Gerard Butler seemed to be very close. Though critic’s are suggesting that this relationship may just be all for show and publicity. It is believed that they are dating to promote their upcoming […]

No Future?


That is what it seems like for today’s average college student. It seems as it is becoming almost impossible for some students to continue and finish their college careers. Recent budget costs are creating this difficulty. The government is relying on the students to help relieve the economic crisis. Due to the budget cuts public […]

Apparently some commentators are convinced so.  Rap/ hip hop music is so often mistaken as unimportant nonsense.  Many have found Jay-Z to be a prime example of this “inappropriate” nonsense music.  On New Years day his latest single and new music video was premiered, “On To the Next One.”  The lyrics and graphics in this […]